Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Powerpoint Reflections

This assignment granted me the opportunity to use Powerpoint in a new and innovative way. I never experienced attaching a video to my presentation. I thought that it was an interesting way to use Powerpoint; however, I doubted that I would be able to successfully attach a video to my Powerpoint (I am not tech savvy at all). At first, I tried to capture the video on my digital camera and put a quick time file on my Powerpoint, but it did not work. Finally, a classmate showed me how to stream a video on Powerpoint. All in all, I think that this assignment turned out really well.
Furthermore, I think that I will use this in my classroom. I believe that the video feature makes Powerpoint more engaging for the students. I will teach my students how to create Powerpoint using the video and time feature. For instance, the students will create a presentation for a unit novel. They will research a historical aspect about the book (e.g., town people, etc.). Then, the students will find a video that correlates with the history and post the video to their presentation. All things considered, I believe that this activity will actively engage students with the text.

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